Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Random Celebratory Post!!

Ok, so this isn't exactly random. I have a point to make here. I have somehow seriously underestimated any number of potential fans of my writing. I know that because this morning, I am transferring some stories from an old writing account to the new one. On the portfolio page, it has your story's title, what genre it is, how many pages, read count, and comment count.
Anyway, I just happen to glance toward the middle of the page to see that ohmygosh, I have over 1,000 reads on one story alone! It's a "short" story (I put short in quotations because my brain insists that short is never below 1,000 words), but still, I'll take the 1,090 reads! It still hasn't sunk in that this has actually happened. It's just...amazing, really. I'm speechless. And I'm a girl! We always have things to say, haha.
But before I go off ranting, there's one person I should thank the most for. And I can never thank them enough for this. I want to thank my God for just being awesome every day. For being there for me when I needed Him most, and for giving me this great talent to share with everyone. I hope any future fame will never go to my head. This 1,090 reads just gives me a mere taste of what that might be like. And I couldn't feel more humbled that that many people enjoy my writing. Thank you everyone, for either reading what I write, or supporting me all along the way in some way. You'll never know how much you mean to me, and how grateful I am for you to be in my life. :)

     Thank You God!

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