Saturday, December 29, 2012

No Kiss Blogfest...

So I was browsing a writer's blog that I follow recently, and I discovered this mini contest that she's entering. I thought, "why not?" and looked it up. Basically, it's a scene contest of sorts where you can write a scene (or provide one already written, or a video, picture, etc.) about a close call kiss. A scene where your two characters almost kiss...but they don't. There are quite a few people entering too. So to add onto my "why not?" attitude, I decided to go on ahead and enter as well. This should be fun. :)
If, by now, your curiosity has peaked somehow, you can find the No Kiss Blogfest(ivities), along with a video example of how it's done, here. :)
I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. I've already discovered an entry by the host herself from a previous No Kiss Blogfest, and let me tell you, she is quite the writer. I'm anxious to see what she comes up with this year. :)
One of her previous entries that I rather enjoyed involved a couple in a movie theater. You can read it here if you like. I have a feeling one reason I enjoyed it so much is because the writer is such a tease, hehe. Plus, the guy in the scene seems like a tease himself.
I am currently planning out my own scene and will be writing on it in the next few days. The No Kiss Blogfest deadline is this coming Wednesday, the 2nd. So be looking for that to magically appear here. :)
I'm probably going to be using this for a little bit of inspiration. It's better when you can see the whole scene. It's from Psych, Bounty Hunters episode. :)

And if you wish to enter yourself, it's not too late to do so. You can enter as late as the day of the deadline. If you so choose to enter though, please let me know. I'd love to see what you come up with! :)

     Call me crazy...